Breeze Onboarding
For context: Breeze is a passive activity app the uses fun and helpful push notifications to give you guardrails around your daily activity. The idea is that Breeze is an invisible app that runs in the background helping you stay "in band" and aware of your activity without much thought.
We had 4 goals for what we wanted users to experience with on-boarding.
- Time to Value: The overarching goal was to get users to realize the value of Breeze as fast as possible.
- Education: We wanted to introduce the basics of the main activity gauge UI and explain how we did automatic goal setting (magically using their last 7 days to create an average daily goal).
- Give Permission: We needed to get Location and Motion permissions to make the app slightly more useful than a brick...these were not optional permissions for us.
- Come back again: We needed a mechanism we get users back into the app for the second time. The nature of an invisible passive app is that its by its very design easy to forget. We wanted to start building a habit (not intrusively) that got users to buy into use this app in the background.
To achieve these goals we took a couple different approaches.
- No Sign Up: We eliminated the need to sign up. Sign up is really kind of a weird artifact of the web. We can communicate with users using push notifications, and remove the clumsy and high friction step of creating an account before they even know if its worth it.
- Use actual UI to teach: Rather than use a walkthrough, coachmarks, or help content we used the main activity UI they would be normally using to introduce concepts like auto-goaling and what the app did. There is surely even more room for improvement here to reduce friction further.
- Tie permissions to value: As much as we could we tried to tie the permissions we needed to the value we would provide. Here too we could have experimented with a pre-promt to be more effective
- Delightful "Outboarding": Users first communication from the app was a push notification that analyzed their previous 7 days of activity data (stored on the phone pre-download) and gave them a fun sharable "spirit animal" This had the dual effect of bringing users back for the first time, educating them about what kind of product we hoped to be.